hiraeth06 : a commonplace collective.
Many have asked the question, "how annoying can one caffeine addicted-bisexual-ftm with a propensity for yearning, indecisiveness, and obssession with film, poetry, and literature (that may often border on pretentious only restricted by real life) before he explodes into a giant cloud of vapour and stardust?" I am here to answer that question. I am built from something, hated by God, with my soul purpose being to make a website and centralize all my angst into one hidden spot away from the shame of my friends and loved ones.
We're going to discover how long I can last like this, before I either mature into a boring square or die tragically young and beautiful like ... well, anyone who died tragically young and beautiful.
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!"
- Eloisa to Abelard, Alexander Pope